If you want to take on a healthier approach to Belgian waffle toppings, why don’t you stick to this tasty maple-blueberry butter? It doesn’t only have a lovely shade of purple, but also a surprisingly sweet and fresh flavor that’s guaranteed to help you gradually shed some pounds while satisfying your sweet tooth.
Maple blueberry butter
Servings: 4 Servings
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- 3 tablespoons Maple Syrup
- 1/2 cup Blueberries use fresh blueberries
- 1 cup Butter unsalted, at room temperature
- Mix the maple syrup and blueberries in a small, heavy-bottomed pan.
- Bring them to a boil, and cook for only one minute or two minutes.
- Remove the pan from the heat, smash the berries up using a fork, and allow the mixture to cool down to room temperature.
- Once it is cool, process the mixture and the unsalted butter at room temperature in a food processor for a few minutes to achieve a more buttery consistence. Scrap the edges down as needed during this process.
- Put the maple-blueberry butter on your Belgian waffles, and serve.